Tactical Targeting Playbook

Tactical Targeting Playbook

12 data-driven targeting strategies to accelerate medical device sales

Unlock your sales potential 
with data-driven targeting.

We surveyed 300+ sales professionals and discovered 45% of them have actively pursued a new opportunity in the past 6 months. This means at a moment’s notice, nearly half of your sales force could be ready and willing to walk out the door. Uncover insights and advice for attracting and retaining your best sales talent.

As a medical device sales rep, your success hinges on your ability to identify and pursue the right opportunities in your territory. But with countless physicians, procedures, and competing priorities vying for your attention, it's easy to get lost in the noise and waste valuable time chasing dead ends.

That's where this Tactical Targeting Playbook comes in. We've gathered insights from top-performing reps across the industry to bring you 12 proven strategies for using data to accelerate your sales cycle.

Here's what you'll learn

This playbook will show you how to:

  • Identify hidden gems that your competitors are missing.
  • Prioritize accounts with the highest potential for growth.
  • Tailor your approach to each physician's unique needs and preferences.
  • Accelerate your sales cycle by focusing on the most efficient opportunities.
How to use this guide

This playbook will show you how to:

  • Identify hidden gems that your competitors are missing.
  • Prioritize accounts with the highest potential for growth.
  • Tailor your approach to each physician's unique needs and preferences.
  • Accelerate your sales cycle by focusing on the most efficient opportunities.

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